Kathryn Paletta
I'm a designer crafting simple and effective solutions for complex systems. 
Currently, I'm working as a freelancer, helping different product teams to build enjoyable user experiences.
After years of Fine Art study to prepare to become a painter, I met UX and HCD at Purchase College. After an "Intro to Web" class, I quickly became obsessed with all things web design, HCI, and front end development. Within 3 months I pivoted from a painter to obsessing over HCI , UI/UX, and Graphic Design. I think it takes a wide range of skills to be a successful designer. I am eager to improve my body of work and make every project my best work yet.
My goals are ever-evolving. My fiancé and I have started growing most of the vegetables that we eat in our garden at home. Today I would say my goals revolve around reducing our personal waste, our carbon footprint, and increasing the time for life, love, and community.

When I'm not working;
If you can't find me at my computer, I'm either drawing, reading, biking, running, hiking, gaming, re-watching Lord of the Rings extended edition, or just enjoying a coffee at one of my favorite coffeeshops, Hayfields.
I have spent many years searching for myself and pushing my limits- and I will continue to do so until I am no more! 
Once upon a time I was not a runner- in March 2023 I completed my first timed half-marathon!